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amplify access denied

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Amplify Access Denied

Amplify Access Denied

When I try to get or put a file in S3 using Storage.put or Storage.get, I get an access denied error.

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I dot the filename in . Interesting is the code that was run before. I deleted all my amp examples and rebuilt it, then it stopped working. I also get client not authorized error when I try to authenticate using IAM authRole in API gateway to call lambda function. I got it by pretending to be a cognitive supporter and using it as an authentication method.

I'm wondering if I'm missing something in my build that is preventing the IAM functionality from working or being invoked.

I noticed that the IAM role and Amplify policy are linked to the cognito authRole and they are there.

In IAM console, under "Last role" in authRole, it shows no previous role. Seems like the functions are not meant to show my users added or accessed.

Accessdenied: Access Denied When Trying To .put Or .get On S3 · Issue #4055 · Aws Amplify/amplify Cli · Github

I noticed the same thing when I was struggling with API Gateway IAM authentication. I removed the whole upgrade function because I was able to access the API gateway to call the lambda function on my main domain and my main environment. Other branch/environment combinations do not receive supported errors. When I rebuilt it, it stopped working for the master domain and the API Gateway, leading me to believe there was something wrong with the settings, but I've checked permissions everywhere and they are used automatically. By promoting those who work first.

The next note on this is that if I run the policy emulator it returns "believe" when I run it on the bucket I'm trying to access, so there's nothing wrong with the policy. I don't know why this call gets rejected when called from my application.

If I change the body to this it fails. These are the workarounds I tried, where amplify executes the bucket without specifying any bucket policy.

Amplify Access Denied

I can solve this problem. When ampify creates the identity pool, it sets the "Get Service" to "By Token". I'm not sure if this is correct, but if I change it to "default role" and make sure the authRole is set correctly for the specified user, it works. However, this doesn't solve the API Gateway problem I had in my other post above. For this, I will still use the traditional cognito credentials. For whatever reason, the IAM service cannot be audited on-site.

Amplify S3 Access Denied

@danmight can you provide some information on how to set up service upgrades? If you have a problem with the process/function configuration, I think it might come from the cli configuration, I suggest you use the CLI commands to track it down.

You can go ahead and close it. I don't have a control log at the time of posting, but I don't think I made a stupid choice or did anything that didn't involve adding and following the question he asked. I can at least find a solution to move on, which is great!

@danmight yes, I've seen that sometimes things are incorrect in the settings or something is removed from the cache. As long as you stick with it, it's fine. If you have any other questions or need clarification feel free to open a new question :)

@danmight @ashika01 I've been struggling with this all day and I think I've figured out the gist of it. When an IdentityProvider is selected from the token and your user is assigned a custom group, the roles in their group will override the default identity pool when you use S3, the system looks at your group roles in the eyes , without S3. Additional policies.

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@danielblignaut Genius! Thanks for the follow up post. This connects the dots on the last page for me. I don't understand why my first version worked so well. Later I introduced subscriber groups, so my first users didn't have any work to explain why they worked. I haven't written code to do anything with these members, but they are being assigned, and may be assigned without permission. You did very well.

@danmight no fix this I ended up doing this bad thing in the s3 cloudformation's just a snippet of one of the policies, but you need to update all the rules "ok" . (I'm wondering if this is a smart way, or if there's a better solution so I have to remember to update this file every time I edit the group in the upgrade config):

You can see weird things happening in my workflow. The catch here is that you have to pass the service name (not the ARN) to the service order for the service in the custom group. However, you cannot edit the Cognito User Cloud results because the file is updated with each increment, overwriting your changes, and the only result in the file is the role ARN rather than the role name. Although you can encrypt them in the s3 cloud, it prevents your s3 storage from working in a multi-environment environment because each service name uses a cognito user id.

Amplify Access Denied

I suggest you check the safe directory of some of these mines and add the project name to the output of the single-user cloud model, or look at the files created during each upgrade.

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@ashika01 It's well configured unless you assign an incognito group. For some reason, if you assign the user to a group in cognito, not assigning the authRole to cognito builds and configures correctly.

Note that when you log in, the IAM role associated with the user is not -authRole, but -GroupRole. This causes problems because the correct s3 permissions created in the cloud storage model are associated with -authRole or -unauthRole. I solved this using the code snippet above, but this can be improved. It is important because developers cannot modify cloud user PoolGroups as they are created on every upgrade, so the changes are overwritten. My suggested change to this file is to add project names to the output so we can access them directly to apply IAM values ​​to them. Unfortunately, Cloud Config only allows you to apply policies using the service name, not the service ARN which is currently the only export.

If you want unauthorized users to have s3 access, you have to flag "Enable access to unauthorized identities" in your IdentityPool, this is not set to false in my identity pool (and don't know if amplify Does auth cat allow you to update it from the cli but it's listed as an example). options in the parameters.json file)...

The problem here, as far as I know, is that if you don't check this box, your host won't get the jwt token requested by the visitor (as far as I know amplify does this automatically when configuring cognito)...that's Cause. When you try to upload a file, you don't have an access token and your users will get access denied. I believe "Allow access to unauthorized credentials" is the authentication type setting in the parameters.json file. Maybe when adding security, the user needs to be registered, if the user is prompted yes, this will work and this setting will be changed automatically.

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In this example, compare the auth category Cloudformation file after step 2 with the auth Category Cloudformation file after step 4. You'll notice that adding the folder regenerates your auth cloudformation and removes the custom schema attributes you added.

@danielblignaut It looks like this is done in the configuration CLI. I'll pass it on to the CLI team. They should help you :)

I followed the steps above and was able to install and access the API without errors. Could you please send the amplify folder with this error so I can copy it to

Amplify Access Denied

Another thing you can try is to update the version of amplify-cli and amplify-js to the latest version and try again.

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@danielblignaut @danmight I think the problem has to do with access rules for users and groups? Do you think this group will inherit all the policies associated with the default authentication IAM role? But in fact, it's not. you'll make it through

Flow in and choose the role you want certain groups to be able to log in, this is when the IAM role is associated with the user pool.

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